Novec 1230 -Fire Protection Fluid is a clean agent Suppression which was developed as a halon replacement and hydro fluorocarbon (HFC) alternative. It belongs to a family of chemicals called halocarbons, a group which includes HFCs and fluoroketones.
• Novec 1230 gas is synthetic/chemical fire suppression gas/agent.
• Novec 1230 is a waterless fire suppressant and extinguishes a fire by removing the free radicals or heat element of the fire triangle (Oxygen, Heat and Fuel).
• The concentration of Novec 1230 is typically between 5.3% to 5.6% of the room volume.
• Novec 1230 in its natural state, looks and feels like water. Novec is a non conductive liquid that has some surprise characteristics. Often Novec is exhibited by filling a fish tank with the Novec fire suppression agent, then inserting a computer screen within the liquid switch on. Mobile phones can be placed within the liquid and will operate as normal.
• Novec 1230 boils at 48 degrees Celsius and vaporizes in the fire suppression delivery when discharged.